Translate F-Droid apps

During school days

When I went to school, I had Russian as my first foreign language and later English as my second foreign language. I thought that was so cool that I ‘switched’ to secondary school to improve my language skills. I later went to evening school. I wanted to improve my language skills even further - I didn't understand anything else anyway.

After school

When it was market day, my mum often took me to a soup kitchen run by a Hungarian woman. I liked the food and we often went there. I told my mum afterwards that I would certainly need it one day. I didn't know when or for what. But I knew it would be useful one day.

Summer 1998 and summer 2000

I was always on an aid mission in Romania. I accompanied the interpreter from Hungary across the border (with the others), there in Romania on our aid missions and then again on the return journey to Hungary. So I came into contact with Hungarian and Romanian again. And English, of course. So we were able to communicate well. I helped a lot of people there. I don't know how many there were in total - just that there were a lot of them.

Summer 2001

I was also able to take part in an aid mission in Sweden. Two weeks, including the return journey. That's how I learnt Swedish, at least that's what I heard.

2001 until 2019

My mother and I went to the theatre at long intervals and the German and Polish texts were always played up in front of the stage. Oh Polish, a new language for me.

March 2020 Corona outbreak

I always delivered baked goods at night, drove bread, rolls, cakes and stollen to the branches and to the customers and had a lot of time until 2 a.m. all day. Then my day started again. As I wanted to do more for F-Droid than just paint app logos as acrylic paintings, I thought I'd take another look at the join-in page. I'm sure I'll find something there. And that's how I ended up translating. Between March 2020 and December 2020, I translated countless F-Droid apps every day - from Monday to Sunday - because I love doing it so much and I can translate more and more languages over time. During this time I was on Crowdin, Transifex, Poeditor, Onesky and Weblate. I translated a lot on all platforms. For example, I translated the F-Droid app Opentodolist into 17 languages.

Since 20 April 2020

I joined the F-Droid App Opentracks team.

Since February 2021

I got a proper job during the coronavirus period, away from the mini-job, away from the job centre. I only have time in the evenings, e.g. for translating.

By constantly translating, I realised that I can translate into many more languages. So this and that language was added.

September 2021

I have Sijacom(2) of Pixelcode translated into 30 languages.

The last thing I translate until the beginning of June 2022

OKay I admit, that wasn't an F-Droid app, it were the MintApps(4), 1400 strings per language, I have translated into English, Finnish, Hungarian and Ukrainian.

It only took me from Monday to Friday, 20 hours per language. When it went online, I told the Ukrainians and they were happy and played it.

Summer 2022

I have Auto Tab Opener(3) translated into 73 languages by Pixelcode. There are only 26 strings, I have tested how many languages I can manage. I probably can't manage any more. Of course, not everything is easy - but it's also due to the character limit at Weblate.

Codeberg Hackathon Weekend 4.-6. November 2022

Ich habe die MINT-Apps 100 % von deutsch ins schwedische übersetzt, das waren 1.286 Strings. Geschafft habe ich das von Freitag 20:00 bis 22:00 Uhr und Samstag 17:00 bis Sonntag 0:14 Uhr. Also in ungefähr 9 Stunden.

Danach habe ich radioMii in viele Sprachen übersetzt.

Am ganzen Hackathon übersetzte ich 2000 Strings in insgesamt 12 Stunden.

Codeberg Translathon 12.10.2024, 08:00:00 bis 13.10.2024, 22:00:00

Ich habe JetBird 100 % von englisch nach Dänisch, Estnisch, Irisch. Polnisch, Rumänisch, Russisch, Schwedisch, Slowakisch, Slowenisch, Tschechisch, Türkisch, Ukrainisch und Ungarisch übersetzt

Ich möchte noch erwähnen, das ich auch arbeiten war, geschlafen hatte und an der frischen Luft war, weil so viel übersetzen in so kurzer Zeit auch sehr anstrengend ist.

Um mein Ziel zu erreichen, übersetzte ich noch bei Glitch und Repixture - beides Projekte von Wuzzy.

Am ganzen Translathon übersetzte ich 2000 Strings in insgesamt 12 Stunden.

Zusammenfassende Bemerkung

Wenn ich die Logos von F-Droid-Apps male oder dort die neuen Apps sehe, suche ich auch nach Links, um zu sehen, ob diese App auch übersetzt werden kann. Ich freue mich besonders, wenn der Programmierer mich irgendwo nennt. Und wenn es heißt "nur" aktualisierte Übersetzungen, muss ich immer schmunzeln, denn es könnte ja sein, dass ich bei der Übersetzung geholfen habe.

Wenn ich ausländische Touristen treffe (in einem Museum, in einem Café, auf der Straße) und wir uns darüber unterhalten, was ich mache, frage ich sie, ob sie mir ein paar Wörter und/oder Sätze für die F-Droid-Apps übersetzen können. Sie machen das gerne.

Statistik Weblate

bubu weblate. Von Juli 2020 bis Oktober 2022 schaffte ich stolze 33.000 Übersetzungen.

translate . codeberg. 14.10.22 registriert, am 14.10.24 -> 32.000 Übersetzungen

hosted . weblate. 01.03.21 registriert, aktuell 8.064 Übersetzungen