Financing of my acrylic paintings

In October 2018, I started painting F-Droid app logos without worrying about how I was going to pay for it all. I just wanted to promote F-Droid - nothing more, nothing less.

More and more

Over time, I painted more and more acrylic paintings. As long as there was cardboard on which I could paint, I didn't worry about it.


Back then, the job centre paid my rent and I used it to pay for the acrylic paintings.


Then came corona. I got a real job. Now that I had my own money, there were no more cheap canvases. Either I could only find ones that were twice as expensive or I couldn't buy any more.

Support me

As some people have already asked me if there is a way to support the acrylic paintings, I have listed some ideas here:

You order canvases for me, pay for them yourself and send them to me.
Is there another option?